Output: This is the gain compensation, or makeup, module. Dynamics Section: Here you will find two attack and two release controls which will set the compressor to either have a fast or slow attack, and fast or slow release, and that’s it!. Threshold: Turning this knob to the left reduces the threshold and applies compression. The FreeComp has got a fairly gentle compression ratio, which allows you to really drive the compressor hard without completely squashing the signal, and features some basic compression/dynamics controls: The whole reason behind creating this plugin is that most beginners usually get overwhelmed when faced with a plugin that features a ton of controls and functionality, and we wanted to provide them with something simpler that allows them to learn more quicker. The THR (The Home Recordings) FreeComp is our first plugin release which is 100% free and mainly aimed at beginner music producers since it only features a handful of controls and is designed with the idea of allowing the user to perform quick moves, get the desired result, and keep moving. Note: I also wrote a post about the best compressor plugins in general, not just free ones. Here I will be listing the different compressors in order from best to ¨worst¨ (all of them are great but I definitely think that the first ones on the list are better, easier to use, have more built-in functionality, etc.). Well, I’ve put together a list of the best free compression plugins available which should definitely add some flavor to your mixes. Or maybe the compressors you already have lack certain settings which you would like to use, or maybe they are too complex and you just want something that offers 2 to 4 knobs, and that’s it! With loads of great stock plugins, compressors included, you might be lookingįor some new ones that have a slightly different sound to them. Now you can stay creative, quickly balancing volume and creating parallel compression in seconds directly from your plugin.While most Digital Audio Workstations, or DAWs, provide you Speed Up Your Workflow with New Mix and Trim Knobsįine tune your dynamics faster than ever, with brand new Trim and Mix knobs for the API 2500, CLA-2A, CLA-3A, CLA-76, R-Comp and SSL G-Master compressors. New presets, improvements & additional updates. Shape, manipulate and play your samples without a DAW New: Additional improvements
Load presets faster with the new drag-and-drop workflow New: HiDPI graphics for select pluginsĪbbey Road TG Mastering, API Collection, CLA-2A, CLA-3A, CLA-76, F6, OVox and PuigTec EQs now with ultra-sharp HiDPI GUIs New: Standalone application for the CR8 Creative Sampler Improved loading times for plugins, presets, and sessions in your DAW New: Quick drag-and-drop preset workflow
Get better dynamic control, fast, in API 2500, CLA-2A, CLA-3A, CLA-76, R-Comp & SSL G-Master Buss Compressor New: Faster load times
New: Mix and Trim knobs added to our most popular compressors