When activated, it will disable several power-hungry features, like Always-on display. Battery saver mode automatically switches on when your battery is low, but if you want to save power, you can switch it on manually.To switch off LTE: Open Settings > Connectivity > Mobile > Mobile > select Off or Automatic.If you don’t need LTE functionality, switch it off to save battery.We suggest that you switch this feature back on when doing a GPS-dependent exercise.

Additionally, turn off Improve location accuracy by tapping Google Location Accuracy > toggle off Improve location accuracy.To disable GPS: Open Settings > Location > toggle off Location.If you’re not using your watch to navigate around town or track your runs, you should switch off location services to save battery, especially at night.To adjust your screen timeout duration: Open Settings > Display > Screen timeout > select a lower screen timeout duration.The screen is usually the primary battery hog on a smartwatch, so ensuring that it’s only on for as long as it’s needed is a great way to improve battery life.To disable Tilt-to-wake: Open Settings > Gestures > toggle off Tilt-to-wake.Like most smartwatches, it’s not totally reliable and could trigger when it senses motion. This feature activates the display when you tilt your Pixel Watch to check information on the screen.To switch off Always-on display: Open Settings > Display > toggle off Always-on Display.This feature will ensure your Pixel Watch’s screen stays lit to display the time and other info.